Starting My Goal

Muhammad Zeeshan
3 min readAug 5, 2020


I want to improve my communication skill


I want to improve my communication skills particularly English communication.In the success of any organization communication is the key factor. Good organizations demand their employees to have good communication skills.Mostly job interviews are taken in English. English is an international language and also it is preferred in market place.Good English communication skills are very important in any organization or in a daily life. So I have set my goal to improve my English communication in 1–2 months.

Here are the 9 Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills:

  1. Make communication a priority. …
  2. Simplify and stay on message. …
  3. Engage your listeners or readers. …
  4. Take time to respond. …
  5. Make sure you are understood. …
  6. Develop your listening skills, too. …
  7. Body language is important. …
  8. Maintain eye contact steps that need to do immediately in order to achieve my goals.

3 steps that need to do immediately in order to achieve my goals

Communicating with my family and friends in English

  1. Be available: Make time in everyone’s busy schedule to stop and talk about things. …
  2. Be a good listener: When you listen to your child, you help your child feel loved and valued. …
  3. Show empathy: This means tuning in to your child’s feelings and letting him know you understand.

Improving vocabulary by reading English language news paper, articles and English authors books

  1. Look for interesting sections. Newspapers contain different sections catered to different audiences. …
  2. Regular practice. It is important to read newspapers every day. …
  3. Change periodically. Do not stick to one newspaper. …
  4. Discuss with others. …
  5. Understand the context. …
  6. Read it in mind.

Starting listening English speakers

  1. Find An English-Speaking Conversation Partner.
  2. Make Sure To Listen As Well As Speak.
  3. Record Your Conversation Practice.
  4. Surround Yourself With The English Language
Thank you

